Mala Jela

Naslov: Mala Jela
Autor: Tatjana Kadoić Grmuša
Uredile: Ana Kadoić i Tatjana Kadoić Grmuša
Ilustracije: Ana Kadoić,
Priprema za tisak:
Tisak i uvez: Studio Moderna d.o.o. Zagreb
Izdavač: MEDUS BIRO d.o.o. Zagreb – Biblioteka Medus


Uvez: tvrdi

Format: 21,5×21,5 cm


Godina izdanja: 2022.

Mala Jela je priča o mladici jele koja živi u šumi na Risnjaku. Okružena je velikim „odraslim“ stablima koja je zaklanjaju od sunca i otežavaju njezin razvoj. Svjesna svojih nepravilnih grana i skromnih iglica shvaća da će jako teško izrasti u lijepo stablo. Svejedno – ona je vesela i znatiželjna i ima puno prijatelja: risa, jastreba, vjeverice, košutu, puha…

Prijateljujući s risom doznaje da postoje stabalca borova i jela koja za posebnih dana u godini ljudi okite najljepšim nakitom, slatkišima i jabučicama te malim svjetlima koja trepere noću, a oko njih se okupljaju djeca i odrasli u radosnom druženju.

Jednog dana sprijatelji se i s mladim planinarom Tomom kojem povjerava svoj najveći strah (nikada neće izrasti u jedro stablo) i najveću želju (biti okićena za blagdane i okružena veselim dječjim žamorom).

Toma joj pojasni da ta stabalca nakon blagdana ljudi bacaju ili pale pa ona zapravo nakon velikih blagdana umiru, no mala Jela je uvjerena da su dani kad su okićeni i uokolo pružaju radost i ljepotu najsretniji dani i za njih.

Toma, kao veliki ljubitelj prirode, dosjeti se kako će maloj Jeli ispuniti želju: presadit će je u svoje dvorište i još ovih blagdana okititi.

Little Firwood is a story about a young fir sapling living in a forest on the Risnjak mountain. She is surrounded by big “grown-up” trees who deny her sunlight and hamper her growth. She is very aware of her gnarled branches and small needles and she understands that it will be very difficult for her to grow up into a nice big tree. But it doesn’t matter – she is happy and curious and she has lots of friends – a lynx, a hawk, squirrel, doe and a dormouse…

While talking to her friend, the hawk, she learns that there are fir and pine trees which are taken by humans into their houses where they get decorated with the most beautiful ornaments, sweets and little apples and even small lights which twinkle in the night, to delight and joy of children and grown-ups who gather around them and enjoy each others’ company.

One day she befriends a young mountain hiker Tomo to whom she reveals her greatest fear (that she will never grow into a healthy tree) and her greatest wish (to get decorated and praised during holidays, surrounded by happy children).

Tomo explains to her that those trees are cast away after holidays, and that people often burn them. However, Little Firwood is still convinced that those days are the happiest for the trees and for the children as well. Tomo, who is a great nature-lover, has an idea how to grant Little Firwood her greatest wish…